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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

   hepatocellular adenoma

Disease ID 761
Disease hepatocellular adenoma
A benign epithelial tumor of the LIVER.
adenoma liver
adenoma of liver
adenoma of liver (disorder)
adenoma of liver cells
adenoma of the liver cells
adenoma, hepatocellular
adenoma, hepatocellular, benign
adenoma, liver cell
adenoma, liver cell [disease/finding]
adenomas hepatic
adenomas liver
adenomas, hepatocellular
adenomas, liver cell
benign hepatoma
benign hepatomas
hca - hepatocellular adenoma
hepatic adenoma
hepatocellular adenoma
hepatocellular adenomas
hepatoma, benign
hepatomas, benign
liver adenoma
liver adenomas
liver cell adenoma
liver cell adenoma (morphologic abnormality)
liver cell adenomas
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:24)
C0017919  |  glycogen storage disease  |  6
C0019204  |  hepatocellular carcinoma  |  5
C0017920  |  glycogen storage disease type i  |  2
C0028754  |  obesity  |  1
C0006142  |  breast cancer  |  1
C0032580  |  familial adenomatous polyposis coli  |  1
C0011847  |  diabetes  |  1
C0023903  |  liver neoplasms  |  1
C1956097  |  wolf-hirschhorn syndrome  |  1
C0032580  |  polyposis coli  |  1
C0032580  |  familial adenomatous polyposis  |  1
C0153676  |  lung metastasis  |  1
C0342276  |  maturity-onset diabetes of the young  |  1
C0032580  |  adenomatous polyposis coli  |  1
C0022679  |  cystic kidney  |  1
C0008313  |  sclerosing cholangitis  |  1
C0032580  |  adenomatous polyposis  |  1
C0002871  |  anemia  |  1
C0022658  |  kidney disease  |  1
C1384514  |  conn syndrome  |  1
C0566602  |  primary sclerosing cholangitis  |  1
C0017920  |  type i glycogen storage disease  |  1
C0011860  |  maturity-onset diabetes  |  1
C0023903  |  liver tumor  |  1
Curated Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:5)
3265  |  HRAS  |  CTD_human
1499  |  CTNNB1  |  CTD_human
1027  |  CDKN1B  |  CTD_human
9970  |  NR1I3  |  CTD_human
2  |  A2M  |  CTD_human
Inferring Gene(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:49)
174  |  AFP  |  2.538  |  DISEASES
284  |  ANGPT1  |  2.024  |  DISEASES
56899  |  ANKS1B  |  2.734  |  DISEASES
27237  |  ARHGEF16  |  1.93  |  DISEASES
55870  |  ASH1L  |  2.471  |  DISEASES
1029  |  CDKN2A  |  1.276  |  DISEASES
1192  |  CLIC1  |  1.885  |  DISEASES
1499  |  CTNNB1  |  5.02  |  DISEASES
1543  |  CYP1A1  |  2.991  |  DISEASES
1544  |  CYP1A2  |  3.376  |  DISEASES
1555  |  CYP2B6  |  2.632  |  DISEASES
1576  |  CYP3A4  |  1.493  |  DISEASES
1629  |  DBT  |  1.747  |  DISEASES
1786  |  DNMT1  |  1.62  |  DISEASES
8661  |  EIF3A  |  1.067  |  DISEASES
1995  |  ELAVL3  |  1.035  |  DISEASES
957  |  ENTPD5  |  2.335  |  DISEASES
7957  |  EPM2A  |  1.028  |  DISEASES
2564  |  GABRE  |  2.298  |  DISEASES
2632  |  GBE1  |  1.331  |  DISEASES
728441  |  GGT2  |  1.43  |  DISEASES
2778  |  GNAS  |  1.435  |  DISEASES
51280  |  GOLM1  |  1.3  |  DISEASES
54865  |  GPATCH4  |  3.602  |  DISEASES
2719  |  GPC3  |  4.018  |  DISEASES
2950  |  GSTP1  |  2.112  |  DISEASES
2996  |  GYPE  |  1.216  |  DISEASES
10767  |  HBS1L  |  1.7  |  DISEASES
3572  |  IL6ST  |  3.961  |  DISEASES
128239  |  IQGAP3  |  2.635  |  DISEASES
3880  |  KRT19  |  2.063  |  DISEASES
3855  |  KRT7  |  2.048  |  DISEASES
51085  |  MLXIPL  |  1.219  |  DISEASES
8856  |  NR1I2  |  2.017  |  DISEASES
9970  |  NR1I3  |  2.666  |  DISEASES
4521  |  NUDT1  |  1.378  |  DISEASES
90780  |  PYGO2  |  2.308  |  DISEASES
11186  |  RASSF1  |  2.543  |  DISEASES
83593  |  RASSF5  |  2.012  |  DISEASES
6191  |  RPS4X  |  2.522  |  DISEASES
6288  |  SAA1  |  2.054  |  DISEASES
6319  |  SCD  |  1.566  |  DISEASES
4891  |  SLC11A2  |  1.088  |  DISEASES
1811  |  SLC26A3  |  1.053  |  DISEASES
23583  |  SMUG1  |  1.108  |  DISEASES
26771  |  SNORD102  |  3.33  |  DISEASES
6720  |  SREBF1  |  1.082  |  DISEASES
8801  |  SUCLG2  |  1.366  |  DISEASES
23304  |  UBR2  |  2.81  |  DISEASES
Locus(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 761
Disease hepatocellular adenoma
Integrated Phenotype(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:11)
HP:0001402  |  Hepatocellular carcinoma  |  5
HP:0030731  |  Carcinoma  |  4
HP:0002612  |  Congenital hepatic fibrosis  |  1
HP:0003002  |  Breast carcinoma  |  1
HP:0004904  |  Maturity-onset diabetes of the young  |  1
HP:0002896  |  Liver cancer  |  1
HP:0002664  |  Neoplasia  |  1
HP:0001903  |  Anemia  |  1
HP:0000113  |  Polycystic kidney dysplasia  |  1
HP:0001395  |  Hepatic fibrosis  |  1
HP:0001513  |  Obesity  |  1
Disease ID 761
Disease hepatocellular adenoma
Manually Symptom
UMLS  | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:2)
C2248595  |  dedifferentiation
C1608408  |  malignant transformation
Text Mined Symptom
UMLS | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Symptoms:1)
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
All Snps(Total Genotypes:3)
snpId pubmedId geneId geneSymbol diseaseId sourceId sentence score Year geneSymbol_dbSNP CHROMOSOME POS REF ALT
rs28934571167996197157TP53umls:C0206669BeFreeIt includes integration of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA, R249S TP53 (tumor protein p53) mutation in aflatoxin B1-exposed patients, KRAS mutations related to vinyl chloride exposure, hepatocyte nuclear factor 1alpha (HNF1alpha) mutations associated to hepatocellular adenomas and adenomatosis polyposis coli (APC) germline mutations predisposing to hepatoblastomas.0.0029099162006TP53177674216CA
rs2893457116799619324APCumls:C0206669BeFreeIt includes integration of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA, R249S TP53 (tumor protein p53) mutation in aflatoxin B1-exposed patients, KRAS mutations related to vinyl chloride exposure, hepatocyte nuclear factor 1alpha (HNF1alpha) mutations associated to hepatocellular adenomas and adenomatosis polyposis coli (APC) germline mutations predisposing to hepatoblastomas.0.0002714422006TP53177674216CA
rs28934571167996193845KRASumls:C0206669BeFreeIt includes integration of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA, R249S TP53 (tumor protein p53) mutation in aflatoxin B1-exposed patients, KRAS mutations related to vinyl chloride exposure, hepatocyte nuclear factor 1alpha (HNF1alpha) mutations associated to hepatocellular adenomas and adenomatosis polyposis coli (APC) germline mutations predisposing to hepatoblastomas.0.0002714422006TP53177674216CA
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 761
Disease hepatocellular adenoma
Case(Waiting for update.)